Participate in a study

If you are a current caregiver of a loved one diagnosed with dementia/Alzheimer’s Disease, you may be eligible to participate in a research study on the mechanisms of caregiving and emotion processing.

Seeking individuals who 1)are the principal person taking care of a loved one with a physician-based diagnosis of dementia/ Alzheimer’s disease, 2) have a smartphone and 3) are providing at least 4 hours of active care per day

Participation involves a 30 minute consent session via Zoom, a 1 hour session via Zoom which includes a general introduction to the study procedure, online questionnaires, heart rate monitoring using a mobile phone app and pre-mailed chest band, and a picture-rating task. After, you will receive a mobile assessment via text messages for one week where you will be asked to answer brief surveys 5 times throughout the day.

Participants will be monetarily compensated for their time in the study. If you are interested in participating, please email us at or call us at 713-348-3528.


For more information, see our brochure.

These research study have been reviewed and approved by Rice University Institutional Review Board. If you have concerns regarding this study or questions regarding your rights as a study participant, please contact an IRB Compliance Administrator IRB Compliance Administrator. Email: or Telephone: 713-348-3586.